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My son started exactly a week after his ?

He is an only child and needs the chance to socialize with children his a?

They don’t Unless your spouse doubles the cost the of daycare annually they’re working Pennies on the dollar. Monthly/fortnightly visits at day care and she learnt all the signals for 'I don't want to play' without resorting to fighting. My daycare has a baby room and uses little 1 foot tall clear walls thingies to partition the potato babies away from the crawling and walking babies. I have worked at a variety of places, and it's not pretty. Grandma doesn't have all the latest toys and a playground. knoxville obituary So we had a HELOC and I'd pay for the whole year on my credit card for the points, then immediately pay off the credit card with the HELOC, then pay off the HELOC over the year. Source: I ran the research and evaluation team for the State agency responsible for regulating and supporting childcare -- where I oversaw market rate studies, cost studies, and child care subsidy program evaluations. Yes I agree this. I send my kids to thr Asian American Cultral Center, so it’s a bilingual daycare. So we had a HELOC and I'd pay for the whole year on my credit card for the points, then immediately pay off the credit card with the HELOC, then pay off the HELOC over the year. Where we live our daycare is $220/week for an infant. jeff beltzer However, like any other business, it requires careful planning and preparation. But it's daycare that's my problem really, not the dropped nap they're not having any part of him not napping unless he's on best behavior it seems. I live in Scandinavia where we have universal health care, year-long maternity leave (plus 4-8 weeks before the due date), free higher education, subsidized day care, a work culture that prioritizes good work-family balance and a general pro-child/family culture. Absolutely no regrets, Im not sure why Reddit decided to show me this thread, but as a first time mom whose baby will be going to daycare at 4. But dog daycare is a luxury service. alligator scort The new provider took good care of my kids but the TV was on all day and I never saw them doing any crafts or small motor stuff. ….

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